Research seminar 

Mentoring for PhD & MA students  



                                                     Research seminar – mentoring for PhD and MA students

                                                          15 november 2023, 10.00 – 12.00, Calypso Botez

The seminar is organized within the mobility project of Ov. Cistian Norocel and is open to Phd students and MPES students working on topics related to far right and populist politics and anti-gender campaigns.

To apply please send an email with your research project presentation to

Ov Cristian Norocel (DrSocSci in Political Science, University of Helsinki, Finland) is Associate Professor (docent) in Gender Studies at Lund University, Sweden. Norocel applies an intersectional lens to issues of far-right political communication and anti-gender mobilisation. He examines these phenomena in a comparative perspective, both in Northern and in Eastern Europe. Norocel has published in such international peer-reviewed journals as Big Data & Society, European Journal of Cultural Studies, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, Men & Masculinities, Problems of Post-Communism, Social Media + Society. His research profile:

The seminar is organized within the research mobility project MCT-0014, financed by UEFISCDI (