Digital Far Right Metapolitics from an intersectional perspective



On 10th November 2023, 10.00 – 12.00, Negulescu hall (FSPUB, str. Spiru Haret nr 8), CPES invites you to the conference


                                                 „Digital Far-Right Metapolitics from an Intersectional Perspective”


Held by Ov Cristian Norocel

Assoc. Prof. (docent) in Gender Studies & Political Science, Lund University  (Sweden)


"In the present lecture I examine the intersectional declinations of the far-right metapolitical project, by examining its politico-discursive production enabled by Web2.0 sociotechnical affordances against the wider context of contemporary multiple crises. More precisely, I focus on one key entity in the far-right ecosystem in Sweden, which has developed an extensive transnational intellectual project aimed to bring about a far-right ideological turn (also known as a metapolitical project). My explicit focus on the digital imbrications of gender and crises in the far-right masculinity performance at work in this metapolitical project. The intervention makes both an empirical and a theoretical contribution to the field of far-right studies."

This work is part of the project funded by Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) (VR2019-03363).


The conference is addressed to the academic community of the University of Bucharest and to other universities in Bucharest. PhD students and MPES students are also warmly welcomed.

Ov Cristian Norocel (DrSocSci in Political Science, University of Helsinki, Finland) is Associate Professor (docent) in Gender Studies at Lund University, Sweden. Norocel applies an intersectional lens to issues of far-right political communication and anti-gender mobilisation. He examines these phenomena in a comparative perspective, both in Northern and in Eastern Europe. Norocel has published in such international peer-reviewed journals as Big Data & Society, European Journal of Cultural Studies, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, Men & Masculinities, Problems of Post-Communism, Social Media + Society. His research profile:

The conference is organized within the research mobility project MCT-0014, financed by UEFISCDI (

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